
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

In Wealth, popularity and status-everything but where is peace (sakoon)?

Ubqari Magazine - March 2017

Charles Mass Duke was an American astronaut. He was born in 1935 in north Caroline America. He got education in Space science and got specialization in it. In 1966 he was selected as fifth astronaut in NASA. He went through the space shuttle flights and in 1972 he reached at Moon through Apollo.

 On 16 April 1972 he travelled on Apollo to Moon. On the evening of 21 Feb 2008 we met Charles duke at Delhi in Asoka hotel for an interview. On this occasion he gave a picture wherein he was wearing space suit & got his autograph on it. In that picture he was seen standing on the moon surface in space. We recorded the interview with Dr Charles duke and the subject was space city. In that interview he was asked one question is you satisfied with your life and do you enjoy life. He answered that in the initial period he was there was no sakoon in my life. He told us that he thought all this achievement will give him satisfaction but there was no solace in it. He thought that all these achievements will gave him satisfaction. Reaching moon will bring him solace but all these things didn’t bring the solace to him.

He then thought to change his profession from an astronaut to doing business. This brought a lot of wealth to me even then this didn’t bring solace to me. Something was missing in my life. This matter is not with Dr. Charles Mass Duke but this is with every one of all ages. People strive to attain the highest amount of wealth and status and this urge is with everyone. In this age everyone is after wealth status and power. With the development the accesses to these things have increased and people in this rat race.

Many people reach a saturation and called saturates. Even these people are without sakoon. In the end they die in desperation. It is said that this age is era of successes and a new phenomena has developed that even biggest achievement have become a disappointment. This situation has created frustration even at the biggest achievement,t lead to stress and tension. People are now more prone to stress and tension as they continuous live in this situation. More wealth in this age has introduced stress and tension and even though there is everything like wealth status even then people are not satisfied with their lives. Now more money is spent on de stressing to combat the stress and tension

Medical science is more done on distressing and there are many organizations which are involved in this process. But events prove that the stress and tension among the people has not decreased. There is not threat of world war 3 instead stress and tensions are more a threat. This relates to hold quran ayat   اَلَا بِذِکْرِ اللہِ تَطْمَئِنُّ الْقُلُوْبُ(الرعد:28) which is and this has been endorsed by hold Prophet ﷺ  said “اَللّٰھُمَّ لَاعَیْشَ اِلَّاعَیْشَ الْاٰخِرَۃِ “ (Sahih bokhari : book of ar riqaq)

By making Allah your supreme consultant human being can get the peace sakoon however this is not possible in this world. This matter pertains to directly having a link with Allah and his crash plan. Allah has made this life a test for mankind. In this world you cannot get the things as per your wishes. This world is an examination for all man and woman and after this the destination is permanent. If you are travelling in a airplane and in this you cannot get the facilities of your home because this is a temporary travelling facility. In this world fulfillment of your desires is not possible. Whoever wants to achieve this has to work on his akrat. This is the reality which is in hold Quran in these words لِمِثْلِ ہٰذَا فَلْیَعْمَلِ الْعٰمِلُوْنَ ﴿الصفت۶۱﴾

For relief of mental stress the activities of the patient have to be changed. He should use the diet which is necessary. Experiments have proved that in diet which has bees is very useful for body. In a three time meal two things should be there which are milk yogurt cheese and honey. Avoid coffee soft drink and drug things and do exercise. The exercise is good for your body. In order to remain healthy always remain happy and this can be brought by bringing some changes in our lives. This will help us to remain happy and healthy.

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